乖乖看推荐的Little Fox(小狐狸分级动画)原版英文动画片《聚光灯》动画48集,喜欢歌剧的 Matt,通过偶然的机会得知自己也许有唱歌的天赋;作为校内魔术社团唯一的女成员的 Amy,可以灵活地表演魔术。他们每一个人对表演艺术的喜爱会让他们做出怎样的努力,又会给他们带来什么样的变化呢? 更多:www.guaiguaikan.com 看分级动画 快乐学英语

Little Fox聚光灯海报

分级:TV-Y7 *
频道:Little Fox



喜欢歌剧的 Matt,通过偶然的机会得知自己也许有唱歌的天赋;作为校内魔术社团唯一的女成员的 Amy,可以灵活地表演魔术。他们每一个人对表演艺术的喜爱会让他们做出怎样的努力,又会给他们带来什么样的变化呢?



Little Fox(小狐狸分级动画)课程为了让儿童能够通过持续地观看动画故事,潜移默化地学会英文,设置了从1阶到9阶循序渐进展开的英语动画系列。从1阶到5阶,孩子们会看到精心编排过句子长度,结构和词汇的动画故事。逐渐到达高阶(6-9阶)的孩子就会接触到涉及更复杂的词汇和句子的动画故事,从而在Little Fox学习和努力的过程中获得英语学习自信,提高英语学习兴趣,最终真正地提升英语实力。



Spotlight.E01.The Reluctant Opera Singer 1.An Embarrassing Secret.mp4
Spotlight.E02.The Reluctant Opera Singer 2.Wanted! Boys Who Can Sing.mp4
Spotlight.E03.The Reluctant Opera Singer 3.A Scary Movie Theater.mp4
Spotlight.E04.The Reluctant Opera Singer 4.An Opera Lover in Disguise.mp4
Spotlight.E05.The Reluctant Opera Singer 5.New Friend, New Music.mp4
Spotlight.E06.The Reluctant Opera Singer 6.A Talent for Disaster.mp4
Spotlight.E07.The Reluctant Opera Singer 7.Dede Plays Defense.mp4
Spotlight.E08.The Reluctant Opera Singer 8.Encore! Encore!.mp4
Spotlight.E09.Abracadabra! 1.An Ordinary Deck of Cards.mp4
Spotlight.E10.Abracadabra! 2.A Magical Invitation.mp4
Spotlight.E11.Abracadabra! 3.Cards, Rings, and Coins.mp4
Spotlight.E12.Abracadabra! 4.A Tricky Maneuver.mp4
Spotlight.E13.Abracadabra! 5.The Perfect Assistant.mp4
Spotlight.E14.Abracadabra! 6.The Disappearing Friend.mp4
Spotlight.E15.Abracadabra! 7.Now You See It, Now You Don’t.mp4
Spotlight.E16.Abracadabra! 8.A Night of Magic.mp4
Spotlight.E17.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 1.First Steps to Fame.mp4
Spotlight.E18.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 2.The Dropouts.mp4
Spotlight.E19.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 3.A Dance Lesson at Home.mp4
Spotlight.E20.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 4.Starting Over.mp4
Spotlight.E21.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 5.Music and Masks.mp4
Spotlight.E22.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 6.A New Coach.mp4
Spotlight.E23.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 7.Some Second Thoughts.mp4
Spotlight.E24.The Hip-Hop Dance Crew 8.A Crew Captain.mp4
Spotlight.E25.Dog Show Secrets 1.No Mistakes!.mp4
Spotlight.E26.Dog Show Secrets 2.Too Many Choices.mp4
Spotlight.E27.Dog Show Secrets 3.The New Dog.mp4
Spotlight.E28.Dog Show Secrets 4.Getting to Know You.mp4
Spotlight.E29.Dog Show Secrets 5.Problems.mp4
Spotlight.E30.Dog Show Secrets 6.The Fight.mp4
Spotlight.E31.Dog Show Secrets 7.Team Howler.mp4
Spotlight.E32.Dog Show Secrets 8.The Big Show.mp4
Spotlight.E33.Lissa Cooks! 1.The Best Farmers’ Market.mp4
Spotlight.E34.Lissa Cooks! 2.Burnt Cookies.mp4
Spotlight.E35.Lissa Cooks! 3.Round One.mp4
Spotlight.E36.Lissa Cooks! 4.Salad Surprise.mp4
Spotlight.E37.Lissa Cooks! 5.Bake Sale Ideas.mp4
Spotlight.E38.Lissa Cooks! 6.A Sour Surprise.mp4
Spotlight.E39.Lissa Cooks! 7.Final Plans.mp4
Spotlight.E40.Lissa Cooks! 8.A Champion Chef.mp4
Spotlight.E41.A Leading Role 1.Audition Anxieties.mp4
Spotlight.E42.A Leading Role 2.Some Helpful Advice.mp4
Spotlight.E43.A Leading Role 3.The Cast List.mp4
Spotlight.E44.A Leading Role 4.Out in the Cold.mp4
Spotlight.E45.A Leading Role 5.Some Unhelpful Advice.mp4
Spotlight.E46.A Leading Role 6.Nobody Likes a Villain.mp4
Spotlight.E47.A Leading Role 7.An Emergency.mp4
Spotlight.E48.A Leading Role 8.The Show Must Go On.mp4